Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Topic Six: Attendence and Timeless

Task Three:
One Way I could manage my time is keeping a watch because I never know what time it be.
Another way is getting things done faster I guess, like when I'm working on an assignment and my mom is rushing me to come on so we can leave.

Task 4:
My service learning is still going great. I'm having lots of fun, working with the team, and trying to get this magazine underway. I am having a little technical problems with understanding some of the work but i know the magazine will be great either way. My two teachers chris and Mrs. Schredon are helping me and my team understand alot, but I'm still a little shaky about my ideas.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Topic One: Habits of succesful Plc Students

Task one:
#1 -- Attend Class Faithfully -- You cannot learn if you are not present!
This is the one I think I need to improve on. because i be late alot.

Task two:

Task three:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Topic Eight: workplace safety

Task One:

A potential hazard you can earn on the job at Jittery Joe's is burning yourself like i did on the espresso machine. it hurts a lot but in the long run you'll learn to be more careful. Another one is slipping up on a wet floor, wouldn't that hurt a whole lot? when your in the stock room be even more careful so boxes wouldn't fall on you while your getting objects down.

Task Two:
Working for the Magazine so far has been a little interesting. I just recently heard we have the software to do layouts and stuff, and I'm really looking forward to that. i write poems and include life stories with music. people that work with me are funny they keep me laughing all the time. it is a wonderful environment to be in. I am so glad to be among others a little like me. I look forward to learning more about my writings and how to further make them better but also learn about a magazine.

Week Question three

Things that could be done during hours are slow at jittery Joe’s. Possibly making sure everything is in the right place, and making sure everything still operates smoothly. I would probably be doing some nova net while I’m at it or working on one of my school projects.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week question two

A positive experience i have had with my customers happened when this girl came and ordered a drink. she was putting her money in my hand and i could tell that she was crying. i didn't want to make it seem like i wanted to be in her business or anything but i hate seeing people down. so i said to her seeing you smile is going to bring me money. she just shrugged it off and laughed then asked me a question. When you date do you hurt your lover? obviously it was a matter i didn't want to be apart of, but oh well too late now. i answered with "No i don't think i do, and if i did i wouldn't try to". she smiled at me and said "thank you" and walked off.

week question one

Working at Jittery Joe's is not my first job. i have had plenty of jobs before, like working during the summer as a camp counselor at stone hedge community center. working well with other people besides my supervisors and co-workers really helped me. it shows as i attend work everyday. First i was shy being around other people, but i guarantee if you work with people of your nature and attitude it will pay off a whole lot easier. how to take orders and fulfill them properly. i hope to learn new experiences by working with the Jittery Joe's company.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Topic 11 cell phone etiquette

Task 1
How's your cell phone etiquette?
You could be worse You know proper cell phone etiquette, but you don't always practice it. With just a little more effort, you can avoid the evil stares of strangers and save yourself the embarrassment of revealing private details on a quiet bus. Remember to use the environmental settings on your phone, excuse yourself from a conversation if it is necessary to make or take a phone call, and brush up on your cell phone etiquette here. And really, talking on your cell phone in the bathroom? That's just plain gross.

Task 3
Last week my service learning was smoother than a baby’s bottom.
My supervisor Mrs. Scredon really helps me understand my work ethic, and pushes my ability to work hard and get the job done. She makes the job easier for me by checking in on me and my partner, and keeping us up to date. I appreciate all her help in helping become a successful employee.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Topic Two: Planning for short and long term succesful

Task two:

Where i want to be in ten years:

1.producing or making music.

2. taking care of my responsibilities.

3.happily married.


5. Riding in a 78 Monte Carlo

6. Owning my own business.

7. Havin a large bank account.

8. Producing my own video games

9. finding a cure for aids.

10. Ending poverty

How i need to get there:

1. graduate and go to music school.

2. Stay on track in life.

3. hopefully find the right one.

4. Have plenty of SEX.

5. get a Job and Buy it.

6.Stay in school and save my money to start my own company.

7. Get a job, keeping the job, and save my money.

8. Go to a technical school for it.

9. Study and Research.

10. Try to make a law.

My Expericences so far at my service learning class have been phenomical. I love it because it takes and grabs my attention to want to do something. I even changed my mind about my career because it seemed more interesting.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Topic 9 Attitudes

When someone just accuses me of something I did not do, I get mad. Someone steps on your shoes you would be mad. Situations like this happen alike to me, and I react sometimes in a nice but rude way. Who would not say anything? My attitude is generally nice to people and I greet them very well, but if you do some or say something that makes me mad I’ll just ask you nicely not to talk to me. Therefore, my attitude responds positively to my situations and struggles.

If I am tired at work, I still try to hang in there and keep a smile on for the customers.
Like the boss says “Customers Matters”. I never had a bad attitude at someone even if I was mad I still would just play it off. If my day were going bad, I would not want to spoil someone else by making him or her mad from whatever response I gave them. Your attitude goes along way I have learned that and that is why I would most likely become employee of the year.

My life has been good because of things I learned from my family and closet friends. My cousin before he died taught me a lot about the world from his very own perspective. “never give up” my mom always told me that, and my dad always pushed me to succeed. Therefore, thanks to their help and positive attitudes I am where I want to be in my life.